We are honored to be featured on the North American Food Systems Network's wonderful new podcast, "Finding Your Future in Food Systems." Episode 1 is a conversation with our very own Randall Stratton and Niccolò Merighi about the history and educational work of Spannocchia. We're so grateful to be included in this project! Listen now (and check out the other intriguing episodes too!).
WATCH: Italian Favorites for a Light Summer Dinner
Join Sheela Prakash, cookbook author and farm internship alum, as she prepares two Italian summertime favorites from her cookbook, Mediterranean Every Day. She demonstrates the art of muddling and enjoying a Limonata Smash cocktail (with easy mocktail alternative!) and makes panzanella, an Italian bread salad featuring seasonal produce. Recipes are available to download once you've registered.
WATCH: Spannocchia Garden Tour (Early May 2022)
Longing to be at Spannocchia, or just excited about all things farming this growing season? Maybe both? Please enjoy this tour of Spannocchia's main garden, Capannone, with spring intern and "Team Orto" member, Rafi. While fellow interns Meg and Emma weed, Rafi takes a break to show us around the early May fields and greenhouse. It's off to a great start... great work, Team Orto!
WATCH: Veggie Garden Crop Planning with The Backyard Farm Company
The Backyard Farm Company—including Farm Internship alum Olivia Miller (Fall '16)!—discusses how to organize a beautiful backyard farm, incorporating all the important crop layout considerations. If you’ve ever felt like you’re gardening without a plan, unsure of where each plant should go or how much space it needs, this program addresses those questions and will have you planting with confidence!
WATCH: Balancing Farm & Family
Allyson Angelini, owner of Full Heart Farm and Farm Internship alum (Spring '08) shares her story of how she built a small family farm, from scratch, after returning to the US from her time at Spannocchia. She discusses how she developed a framework for growing a business while also growing a family and a lifestyle they enjoy and are able to maintain, including tips and action items for finding a sustainable balance in your own life.
WATCH: A Taste of Tuscan Spices
Curio Spice founder & Farm Internship alum Claire Cheney (Spring '03) explores using spices to intensify and marry flavor, with a focus on rosemary, fennel and saffron—three ingredients that bring iconic flavor to Tuscan dishes. She demonstrates this during the program as she makes two approachable recipes featuring seasonal ingredients and inspired by her time at Spannocchia. Recipes are available to download once you've registered.
LISTEN: Spannocchia on Flavor of Italy Podcast
We were thrilled to be featured on the Flavor of Italy podcast and blog in September 2021. Host Wendy Holloway explores the history and current offerings of Spannocchia through an intriguing conversation with Randall Stratton. Whether you are new to the Spannocchia community, you lived and worked on the property as an intern, or you've been visiting as a program participant or agriturismo guest for years, you're sure to learn something new and interesting about our incredible estate.
WATCH: Exploring the Healing Powers of Italian Herbs: An Evening of Self-Care
A restorative & educational program on self-care featuring Italian farm ingredients, with holistic beauty expert & herbalist Jessa Blades. Jessa shares the medicinal and beauty uses for various plants, and instructions for two DIY healing products: an herbal-infused honey face mask & an olive oil body scrub. Take some time for self-care and learn how to use the healing power of medicinal Tuscan herbs to nourish your skin and body.
WATCH: Indoor Microgardening & Food Justice in NYC Public Schools
NYC school educator & past Spannocchia intern Caitlyn Maceli discusses two interesting elements of her work: microgardening & food justice. Caitlyn introduces the concept of food justice and explains the work she does through her NYC public school and the nonprofit Teens for Food Justice. Then, she walks us through each step of growing microgreens easily indoors, and shares some of her favorite ways to incorporate them into meals.
WATCH: Making Chocolate olive oil cake with Sheela Prakash
Cookbook author and past intern Sheela Prakash reflects on her time at Spannocchia while preparing the decadent chocolate olive oil cake from her cookbook, Mediterranean Every Day: Simple, Inspired Recipes for Feel-Good Food. Cook along with her as you play the recording, or enjoy just watching and learning how to make this special recipe. The recipe is available to download once you've registered.