In this recording from our live event held on November 8, 2021, farm intern alum Allyson Angelini (Spring '08) shares her story of how she built a small family farm, from scratch, after returning to the US from her time at Spannocchia. She discusses how she developed a framework for growing a business that feeds 110+ families and harvests over 300 different varieties of specialty vegetables and cut flowers, while also growing a family and a lifestyle they enjoy and are able to maintain.

Allyson offers tips and action items for finding a sustainable balance in your own life. Whether you are a farmer yourself, an entrepreneur developing any type of small business, or simply someone interested in hearing the details—struggles and triumphs—of one farmer's journey to balance their business and family life, you'll appreciate Allyson's insights.

To receive access to the recording and one handout from the presentation, please register below.


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